Doa Mesyuarat Agung Pibg
Moral Precepts24. Robbery commandedEx 3:21,22/ Ex 12:35,36Robbery forbiddenLev 19:13/ Ex 20:1525. Lying approved and sanctionedJosh 2:4-6/ James 2:25/ Ex 1:18-20/ 1 Kings 22:21,22Lying forbiddenEx 20:16/ Prov 12:22/ Rev 21:826. Hatred to the Edomite sanctioned2 Kings 14:7,3Hatred to the Edomite forbiddenDeut 23:727. Killing commandedEx 32:27Killing forbiddenEx 20:1328. The blood-shedder must dieGen 9:5,6The blood-shedder must not dieGen 4:1529.
Doa Sempena Mesyuarat Agung Pibg
The making of images forbiddenEx 20:4The making of images commandedEx. Slavery and oppression ordainedGen 9:25/ Lev 25:45,46/ Joel 3:8Slavery and oppression forbiddenIs 58:6/ Ex 22:21/ Ex 21:16/ Matt 23:1031. Improvidence enjoyedMatt 6:28,31,34/ Luke 6:30,35/ Luke 12:3Improvidence condemned1 Tim 5:8/ Prov 13:2232. Anger approvedEph 4:26Anger disapprovedEccl 7:9/ Prov 22:24/ James 1:2033.
Satu Mesyuarat Agung PIBG Kali ke 27 telah berlansung dengan jayanya di adakan pada hari Sabtu 28 Februari 2016 betempat di Dewan Bestari SK Losong. Majlis ini telah bermula pada pukul 8.30 pagi dengan pendaftaran ibu bapa dan penjaga murid-murid serta guru-guru.
Good works to be seen of menMatt 5:16Good works not to be seen of menMatt 6:134. Judging of others forbiddenMatt 7:1,2Judging of others approved1 Cor 6:2-4/ 1 Cor 5:1235. Christ taught non-resistanceMatt 5:39/ Matt 26:52Christ taught and practiced physical resistanceLuke 22:36/ John 2:1536. Christ warned his followers not to fear being killedLuke 12:4Christ himself avoided the Jews for fear of being killedJohn 7:137. Public prayer sanctioned1 Kings 8:22,54, 9:3Public prayer disapprovedMatt 6:5,638. Importunity in prayer commendedLuke 18:5,7Importunity in prayer condemnedMatt 6:7,839. The wearing of long hair by men sanctionedJudg 13:5/ Num 6:5The wearing of long hair by men condemned1 Cor 11:1440.
Teks Doa Mesyuarat Agung Pibg
Circumcision institutedGen 17:10Circumcision condemnedGal 5:241. The Sabbath institutedEx 20:8The Sabbath repudiatedIs 1:13/ Rom 14:5/ Col 2:1642. The Sabbath instituted because God rested on the seventh dayEx 20:11The Sabbath instituted because God brought the Israelitesout of EgyptDeut 5:1543. No work to be done on the Sabbath under penalty of deathEx 31:15/ Num 15:32,36Jesus Christ broke the Sabbath and justified his disciples inthe sameJohn 5:16/ Matt 12:1-3,544.
Baptism commandedMatt 28:19Baptism not commanded1 Cor 1:17,1445. Every kind of animal allowed for food.Gen 9:3/ 1 Cor 10:25/ Rom 14:14Certain kinds of animals prohibited for food.Deut 14:7,846. Taking of oaths sanctionedNum 30:2/ Gen 21:23-24,31/ Gen 31:53/ Heb 6:13Taking of oaths forbiddenMatt 5:3447. Marriage approvedGen 2:18/ Gen 1:28/ Matt 19:5/ Heb 13:4Marriage disapproved1 Cor 7:1/ 1 Cor 7:7,848. Freedom of divorce permittedDeut 24:1/ Deut 21:10,11,14Divorce restrictedMatt 5:3249. Adultery forbiddenEx 20:14/ Heb 13:4Adultery allowedNum 31:18/ Hos 1:2; 2:1-350.
Marriage or cohabitation with a sister denouncedDeut 27:22/ Lev 20:17Abraham married his sister and God blessed the unionGen 20:11,12/ Gen 17:1651. A man may marry his brother's widowDeut 25:5A man may not marry his brother's widowLev 20:2152. Hatred to kindred enjoinedLuke 14:26Hatred to kindred condemnedEph 6:2/ Eph 5:25,2953. Intoxicating beverages recommendedProv 31:6,7/ 1 Tim 5:23/ Ps 104:15Intoxicating beverages discountenancedProv 20:1/ Prov. It is our duty to obey our rulers, who are God's ministersand punish evil doers onlyRom 13:1-3,6It is not our duty to obey rulers, who sometimes punish thegood and receive unto themselves damnation thereforEx 1:17,20/ Dan 3:16,18/ Dan 6:9,7,10/ Acts 4:26,27/Mark 12:38,39,40/ Luke 23:11,24,33, 3555. Women's rights deniedGen 3:16/ 1 Tim 2:12/ 1 Cor 14:34/ 1 Pet 3:6Women's rights affirmedJudg 4:4,14,15/ Judg 5:7/ Acts 2:18/ Acts 21:956.
Obedience to masters enjoinedCol 3:22,23/ 1 Pet 2:18Obedience due to God onlyMatt 4:10/ 1 Cor 7:23/ Matt 23:1057. There is an unpardonable sinMark 3:29There is not unpardonable sinActs 13:39.
ISMAIL Ibrahim, the principalĀ of SM Sains Kubang Pasu, Kedah, is known as 'Ismail Wave of English'.' Wave of English' was Ismail's brainchild to encourage the study of English in students.He came up with the Wave of English booklet, which contained 50 English sentences used in daily conversations, telephone conversations, students' oath and doa recitals.The initiative, which was introduced during his service at SMK Tengku Bendahara in 2001, became an instant hit and helped thousands of students to improve their English.' The programme is not only aimed at boosting students' English competency, but also to improve their general knowledge,' said the 59-year-old Langkawi-born educationist.Even a decade after he had introduced the module, Ismail maintained his enthusiasm of the language and makes phone calls to his students to ensure that they practise telephone conversation sentences in the booklet.However, not many knew that the father of five, who has been teaching Bahasa Melayu and History throughout his 35 years of teaching career, had never taken English seriously during his school days.'