3.5 Initiate Of The Sevenfold Veil
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For example, a 3rd-level Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil could create a warding wall 30 feet long and 15 feet high. The wall can be made smaller, but it is not otherwise shapeable. The wall must begin within 30 feet of the initiate, but can extend beyond that distance. The wall is immobile once created. Incantatrix and/or Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil Welcome, Guest. Please login or register. Did you miss your activation. Initiate of the Sevenfold Veil - 3.5.
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For example, Dungeons & Dragons® is a trademark of Wizards of the Coast. For more information about Wizards of the Coast or any of Wizards' trademarks or other intellectual property, please visit their website at. Hello, i am playing a initiate of the sevenfold veil 3.5 in my campaign and i have a discussion with some players of my group(including dm). My first question is does IotsvV veils work on magic/mind immune creatures and such cause my group says no. My second question is how does violet veil work against undead and constructs cause it says that it only effect living creatures, objects and magical spells. My dm is throwing constructs and magic/mind immune creatures in every fight and by his rules my IotsvV is useless against that. I want to know from this subreddit what they think and know about this subject.
First things first, speak to your DM privately.Immunity to Magic in 3.5 generally provides immunity to all spells and SLA that allow spell resistance. That's the major issue that concerns you.As an I7V your entire prestige class is based around the Prismatic 'X' spells. Which all allow spell resistance.
As a DM myself I would say that would apply to your veils as well.A creature with just immunity to mind-altering effects, and not Immunity to Magic as well, would only be immune to the indigo veil.Undead have nothing to fear from the purple veil. Constructs, as I'm reading it, only constructs of the 'animated object' type would be destroyed by the purple veil.Still though you should be quite the powerful caster, you can still Buff others, use battlefield control, and even do some direct damage though spells that don't allow spell resistance. My understanding:Supernatural abilities - so magic immunity or spell resistance applies.Nowhere designated as mind-affecting. Abjurations can keep things out, enchantment/charm spells compel them not to enter.
Protection from evil spells and Dimensional Anchors aren't mind-affecting either.Violet veil - A Disintigration effect would apply to most Undead and Constructs. Disintigration specifies it can affect creatures or objects. So either way, anything physical that is not a living being is getting blasted. Something being a object is irrespective of it's state of animation. (it's 'animate object', not 'change object into moving thingie' It's still an object the whole time.)That being said, Incorperal undead or creatures may not be considered an object (DM's call, they might be pure energy, not matter).
A true Golem with full up magic immunity to magic could ignore it as well.He seems to be fudging the rules rather than letting your character enjoy the benefits of taking all those prestige class levels. He needs to think of different challenges for your character than just pre-selecting certain monsters and ruling your character's abilities won't work on them. Interesting questions.The answer to the first question could depend on which veil, and whether 'mind immune' means immunity to mind-affecting spells.
I would say that magic immune creatures are probably immune. While a spell resistance check is not explicit from IotSV's veil descriptions, it does say that the veils replicate a, and that makes them all definitely SR: Yes.
Mind-affecting creatures are definitely not immune to anything except arguably the blue veil, and even then possibly not, depending on how the DM interprets 'as if by the insanity spell'. If he takes it to mean that the veil directly replicates the spell, then they would be immune, if he takes it to mean that the effects are the same as the effects of the spell, then they would not be immune.For the second question, I'd again go back to prismatic wall for clarification. All objects and effects are disintegrated, and 'creatures sent to another plane (Will negates).' Not living creatures, so no space for an argument about whether undead count as living, and all constructs are either animated objects or artifically created creatures according to the construct type description, so something's going to happen to a construct. Just depends on your DM. Personally, I'd say they're creatures so they get the Will save.
3.5 Initiate Of The Sevenfold Veil
Unless they have no Will save, in which case they're an animated object, goodbye.