Skyrim Se Weapons On Back
I keep all my weapons at the Lakeview Manor near Falkreath and placed the Sanguine Rose on one of the weapon racks in the mansion. One day I went inside and the rose had disappeared from the rack and I don't know where it is or how to retrieve it. Battlefield 2142 login problem download. Nov 02, 2016 Pretty combat animations sse will give you an animation for drawing from the back (just download fnis first) but I haven't seen a mod that actually places weapons on the back yet. I'm going to see if I can port some from skyrim.
Readmore.I talked about this long ago and I was criticizing Heartfire houses. All of them have a glitch and also the house in Windhelm, if you put a dagger in the main room cases, you won’t be able to retrieve them.
That is why I don’t place any unique weapon or armor in any house and that is very annoying, especially the houses that we got from hearthfire because the trophy room is also glitched. I keep all my unique weapons and armors in my cellar and you know why, because I had the Miraak’ staff in my long chest beside my bed in Lakeview Manor and 3 bandits entered my house and after I killed them, one of them had my staff. I was in the Enchanting room when they followed my steward while he was entering the house and in a blink of an eye, they were already stealing my stuff. I was lucky that I was there and I reacted quickly and killed them all. From that moment on, I have not longer a trophy room and I do not display any unique weapon or armors anywhere. All of them are in a safe in my cellar. They better don’t get there because I will use blizzard on them and after that, I will decapitating them.
Article # 7 in a 10-part series. 1 -. 2 -.
3 -. 4 -. 5 -. 6 -. 7 -this article.
8 -. 9 -. 10 -In TES V: Skyrim Special Edition, moving weapon position style or adjusting weapon positions for better fit on your character is a fairly straight-forward process by editing the custom skeleton, (XPMSSE) by Groovtama. As of April 2017, the only weapon styles available for immediate play include 1-handed swords on back, daggers on back hip, and Belt-fastened Quivers (BFQ) with bow.
All the nodes for the other styles exist, but haven’t been set yet for download. Let’s set our own default weapon style! We can also adjust the positions of weapons and quivers to better fit the character if needed.This tutorial assumes comfort with file management and willingness to learn if not some experience with editing nif files.
I share step-by-step instructions on turning main weapon edge-side up and adjusting weapons-on-back distance. The process is the same for choosing other XPMSSE-included weapon styles. RequirementsIf you don’t already have the custom skeleton you’ll need to install that first and make sure it’s working in game. We’ll also need the handy tool, to edit the skeletons (male and female). by Groovtama. NiftoolsMake a backup copy of your skeleton files in case something goes horribly wrong.
Best to copy them to a backup folder so you can easily copy them back to start over.Skeleton nif-file locations:. Datameshesactorscharactercharacter assetsskeleton.nif.
Datameshesactorscharactercharacter assets femaleskeletonfemale.nifHow to set sabers edge-side upWhen a saber (katana) hangs horizontally below the belt at thigh-level such as on ancient heavy-armored soldiers, drawing the sword is easiest with the edge-side down. However, when the saber is tucked inside the belt or sash at an angle, such as is when worn with a kimono or hakama, then drawing the sword edge-up comes more naturally. Turned edge-side down then the handle is too high.Let’s flip the sword over. Remember to save a copy of your installed skeleton files in case you need to revert back.The problem has beens solved, so we don’t need to figure out rotations or translations. Years ago Fushimi edited the skeleton for which flipped the sword, and this new node has been incorporated into XPMSSE.
Skyrim Se Weapons On Back For Sale
All we need to do is activate the FSM Sword node in the skeleton by designated the node to place our WeaponSword.The skeleton is a collection of nodes for body parts and wearable gear. The hierarchy makes it easy to navigate, and with some investigation it’s easy to see a weapon is placed as a child of the node attached to. The main one-handed sword is denoted by the WeaponSword node. If you installed sword-on-back option of XPMSSE then you’ll find the WeaponSword node down the upper body (CME UBody) down through WeaponSpine1 node which holds all the gear on the back.