Cara Auto Shutdown Windows 8
Oct 22, 2018 mematikan autoru / auto play di windows kalian tidak menjamin bahwa virus tidak akan menginjeksi pc kalian. Mematikan autorun hanya sebagai. Oct 4, 2014 - When your Windows 8 computer experiences system failure, it automatically restarts. To prevent the system files from corrupting due to an abrupt shutdown. Disabling automatic restart in a Windows 8 laptop is an easy.
Cara Auto Shutdown Windows 8 Pc
Autodesk inventor 32 bit full crack. Image viaOnce in the Charms Bar, to shut down you need to click or tap Settings - Power - Shut Down. It may not seem that difficult, but early adopters have had trouble finding it. If you want to avoid having to do any of that, then you can add a shut down button right on the new Start Screen of Windows 8.All you need to do is create a shortcut on the desktop ( right-click - New - Shortcut) and assign it the following action when prompted to 'Type the location of the item':Shutdown.exe -s -a 00Click Next, name it 'Shutdown', and click Finish. You can then choose an icon ( right-click - Properties - Change Icon.) and Pin it to Start. Here's a quick video on how to do it.
Cara Auto Shutdown Windows 8 1 Computer
I think you have the wrong arguments. Shutdown.exe does not use double dashes for its parameter. It will take a single dash (-s not -s). Technically, for the last few versions, it's help (/?) calls for using the forward slash (/) character.More importantly the -s and -a are mutually exclusive and cannot be used together. The -s is for shutdown and the -a is abort shutdown.Usage: shutdown.exe /s /t 0Another good shortcut icon, especially for Remote Desktop servers is: logoff.exeThanks for the tech tips.-Mike Reply.