Outlook Crashes When Opening Email


We are experiencing this very same issue. Our client can open an email when we log into 0365 online, but his local Outlook 2013 crashes every time we open an email from Delta -with html pics. We can see the preview, but then Outlook closes/crashes each time we open it. And it just started today as well. Any help is appreciated! Why Outlook 2016 Crashes When Opening Calendar? Outlook 2016 saves its entire data items like emails, calendar, contacts etc., in a single personal folder known as PST file. Sometimes when users try to access their Calendar, the Outlook program crashes down and becomes unresponsive. This happens due to the corruption in PST file.

  1. Outlook 2016 Freezes When Receiving Email

I am slowly deploying Win10 x64 and O365 Click to run x64 in my org. Today as a test I updated a couple of PC's to from O365 v8201.2207. Previously we had been using 2193.

We are on the Deferred Channel.Both computers that I updated to 2207 seem to work fine, but in Outlook if you try to open File-Options, I get a pop saying 'The file mso98win32client.dll is incompatible with Microsoft Outlook. Install Outlook again.Has anyone else seen this issue? My computer has been in use a while and has lots of other software on it.

Outlook Crashes When Opening EmailEmailOutlook Crashes When Opening Email

However, the other PC is brand new and only has Office, WinZip, AV and Acrobat Reader on it. Whatever is causing this issue was clearly introduced by this update. The update just came out on the 14th. I've seen this issue on forums back in August/September so I wonder if the issue was seen first by some people that were on the Targeted Channel.Next week I'll probably take a new PC image and only install Office and update it and see if it still has the issue. We do use the Mimecast plugin and there are a couple of other plugins that get installed but if course I can't disable them since that window won't open.

Outlook 2016 Freezes When Receiving Email

I may try doing it via the Registry next week.

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