France Muslim Population 2018


Muslims are a relatively small minority in Europe, making up roughly 5% of the population. However, in some countries, such as France and Sweden, the Muslim share of the population is higher. And, in the coming decades, the Muslim share of the continent’s population is expected to grow – and could more than double, according to.These demographic shifts have already led to political and social upheavals in many European countries, especially in the wake of the recent arrival of millions of asylum seekers, many of whom are Muslims. In recent national elections in France and Germany, for instance, immigration — and particularly Muslim immigration — were top issues.Using Pew Research Center’s most recent population estimates, here are five facts about the size and makeup of the Muslim population in Europe:1 France and Germany have the largest Muslim populations in Europe (defined as the 28 current European Union member countries plus Norway and Switzerland). As of mid-2016, there were 5.7 million Muslims in France (8.8% of the country’s population) and 5 million Muslims in Germany (6.1%). The EU country in which Muslims make up the largest share of the population is Cyprus: The island nation’s 300,000 Muslims make up about one-quarter (25.4%) of its population, and are mostly Turkish Cypriots with deep roots in Cyprus (and not recent migrants).2The Muslim share of Europe’s total population has been increasing steadily and will continue to grow in the coming decades. From mid-2010 to mid-2016 alone, the share of Muslims in Europe rose more than 1 percentage point, from 3.8% to 4.9% (from 19.5 million to 25.8 million)., the share of the continent’s population that is Muslim could more than double, rising to 11.2% or more, depending on how much migration is allowed into Europe.


Even in the unlikely event that future migration is permanently halted, the Muslim population still would rise to an estimated 7.4%, due to the relative youth and high fertility rates of Europe’s current Muslim residents.3 Muslims are much younger and have more children than other Europeans. In 2016, the of Muslims throughout Europe was 30.4, 13 years younger than the median for other Europeans (43.8). Looking at it another way, 50% of all European Muslims are under the age of 30, compared with 32% of non-Muslims in Europe. In addition, the average Muslim woman in Europe is expected to have 2.6 children, a full child more than the average non-Muslim woman (1.6 children).4 Between mid-2010 and mid-2016, migration was the biggest factor driving the growth of Muslim populations in Europe. An estimated 2.5 million Muslims came to Europe for reasons other than seeking asylum, such as for employment or to go to school.

Whether you are looking for the countries with the biggest Muslim population in the world in 2018, because you hate Muslims and wish to avoid those countries. The birth rate in the muslim population in France is 2.8; it is 1.9 in the remainder. The muslim population represents 7.5% of the population of France. With this birth rate, it will attain 10% by 2030. By then the BR is likely to have declined, but we don’t know for sure. A Pew study says the Muslim population is growing, but they are still a tiny fraction of the overall picture. Islam could be the second-largest religion in the US. Wed January 10, 2018.

About 1.3 million more Muslims received (or are expected to receive) refugee status, allowing them to remain in Europe. An estimated 250,000 Muslims left the region during this period.Natural growth was the secondary driver: Among European Muslims, there were 2.9 million more births than deaths during this period. Religious switching is estimated to be a small factor in Muslim population change, with roughly 160,000 more people switching away from Islam than converting into the faith during this period.5 Views of Muslims vary widely across European countries. A 2016 conducted in 10 nations found that negative views about Muslims prevailed in eastern and southern Europe.

However, the majority of respondents in the UK, Germany, France, Sweden and the Netherlands gave Muslims a favorable rating. Views about Muslims are tied to ideology.

While 47% of Germans on the political right give Muslims an unfavorable rating, just 17% on the left do so. The gap between left and right is also roughly 30 percentage points in Italy and Greece.Note: This is an update of a post originally published on Jan.

Before we provide you with the Islamic countries list, let’s have a little of a philosophical debate, and share some interesting facts on the topic as well. Starting with the hatred, we mentioned earlier. Some of you may ask – why would anyone in the world hate Muslims? While that is a reasonable question when coming from an open-minded altruistic person, let’s face it – terrorist attacks that have happened in the previous years and are happening often, are one of the reasons for it, and we are all familiar with them.

Hence, saying that many people are afraid of or that they dislike Muslims is just stating the obvious, which shouldn’t be confused with justifying it. First of all, we don’t think that hate is the answer to anything, that is one thing. And second of all, we feel that you shouldn’t judge all the people who follow the same religion by the acts that some of them committed. Not only that you can’t judge them, but you can’t think of them as equal. Also, think about it – who are you to judge anyone?

But, unfortunately, we live in a world that is full of shallow people, who are guided by prejudices, and that is why many people in the world really do hate Muslims. Enough about hate, what about those people who are afraid of them? With so many terrorist attacks, isn’t their fear justified? Well, it’s hard to have a clear-cut opinion on this topic. It is very sensitive, and we are sure that we have already offended many people with this article, although this was not our intention.

Population Of Muslims In Usa 2018

Isn’t it hilarious how in this day and age, when “everything” can be seen and is “allowed” (homosexuals, transgenders, same-sex marriages, plastic surgeries, surrogates, cloning, artificial organs, and who knows what), people are so sensitive, and get offended so easily? Everything seems to be hate speech nowadays. To avoid having this article regarded as one, if it isn’t too late, let’s get back to our main topic – Hindu population in the world. You are probably all aware of the fact that the Muslim population is getting bigger each day, but did you know that Pew Research Center predicts?

It is the religion that is that most of us assume, and according to some studies, it may even become the. The number of Islam adherents is growing at an extremely fast rate. We weren’t able to find data for the Muslim population in world 2016, in terms of how many Muslims in the world 2016, but in 2015 there were 1.8 billion Muslims, making it for 24% of the world population, while in 2010 that number was 1.6 billion. Notice the increase that happened in only 5 years.

Can you imagine the change in 30 years from now? If you are interested to read more about those changes, head on to the. What is interesting is that the mentioned article doesn’t discuss countries in which Muslims are already a majority.

Best midi pad controller for beginners. For more info, just check it out. And if you are interested to know which is the largest Muslim country by area, it is Kazakhstan with the land area covering 2.725 million km².

According to the most recent data, around 47% of the population in this country are Islam adherents.In spite of our goodwill and big efforts, we weren’t able to find the newest data on top 10 Muslim powerful countries, meaning we can’t guarantee that our list of countries with the biggest Muslim population in the world in 2018 is completely accurate. So, what did we do to find those Islamic countries names? Well, once again, we’ve relied on, combining their two lists of countries with the largest Muslim populations in 2010 and in 2050. Yes, we used their predictions, as well.

The logic was that the all those countries with the most Islam adherents in 2010, and those which are predicted to be in 2050, have a good chance of being also among the countries with the biggest Muslim population in the world in 2018, or let’s just say – at the moment. So we found it safe to assume that those countries that are on both lists are the ones we are looking for this article.

Just for the reference, back in 2010, there were 1.6 billion Islam adherents, and it is predicted that in 2050 there will be 2.8 billion.Enough with 2050, and to 2010, let’s see which are countries with the largest Muslim population right now, starting with number 12. AfghanistanAccording to predictions, in 2050 there will be 72.2 million Islam adherents in Afghanistan, accounting for 2.6% of the world’s Muslim population.

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